Aina Seerden

+316 29490898


>> In the media <<

After collecting imagery from old and new classphoto's I started looking for the answer on the question: what is the position of the children in the new generation? By doing visual examination and making collages I was hoping to get the answer. The differences in face expression, the clothing that they worn in the past are completely different from what children wear nowadays. By adding two images from the past and now together in one collage you get one clear image where I show you the apparent contradictions.


After the translation of my fascination in imagery. I started doing research in colour research. This is the translation of the harsh, distant and uncomfortable position of the children in the pictures of the past to the freshness, fun and flexible position of the children in color now.


After doing research in imagery and colour research I translated the conclusion into new forms.


This is the outcome of the closed and open form in behaviour in front of the camera. To a stiff and lose form,in differences in emotion.  A form from inside behaviour inside the box to outside the box form. And the essence in the face expression.